Monday, January 5, 2009

Romance Trivia

Happy Happy New Year.

Any romantic new year resolutions out there? I guess it should about the same, for those who are single, the resolution is to find the right one soon.
For those who have been dating for some time, would be likely to get married.
For those who are married is probably to get out of the marriage..... hahaha...kidding, kidding.

Whatever your resolutions are, I hope that love will always surround each and everyone of us. Have love in our hearts and spread the love around.

Let me share some trivia on romance...pretty corny some of them :

First Love
Two out of five marry their first love.

Forgotten Romance
Most recent research indicates just about 9,000 romantic couples each year take out marriage licenses, then fail to use them.

Go Ahead and Kiss
A team of medical experts in Virginia contends that you're more likely to catch the common cold virus by shaking hands than by kissing.

The word honeymoon first appeared in the 16th century. 'Honey' is a reference to the sweetness of a new marriage and 'moon' is a bitter acknowledgment that this sweetness, like a full moon, would quickly fade.

Mating Birds
It was believed that birds chose their mates on February 14th and because doves mate for life, they have become a symbol of fidelity.

Morning Kissing
Studies indicate that a man who kisses his wife good-bye when he leaves for work every morning averages a higher income than those who don't. Husbands who exercise the rituals of affection tend to be more painstaking, more stable, more methodical, thus, higher earners. Studies also show that men who kiss their wives before leaving in the morning live 5 years longer than those who don't.

Oldest Bride
Minnie Munro became the world's oldest bride when she married Dudley Reid at the age of 102 on May 31, 1991. Reid, the groom, was 83 years old.

Oldest Groom
Harry Stevens was 103 when he married 84 year old Thelma Lucas at the Caravilla Retirement Home in Wisconsin on December 3, 1984.

On Bended Knee
One in 5 men proposes on one knee.

Phone Proposals
6% of men proposed to their girlfriends over the phone.

Red Roses
Red roses are the most popular flower to give on Valentine's Day and although they may all look the same to the untrained eye, there are actually more than 900 different varieties of dark-red and medium-red roses.

Romance Novels
Romance Novels are more popular than ever. 53% of all mass market paperback books sold in this country are Romances. Romance novels earn more money in the USA yearly than baseball! So, what's the national pastime?

Sex Manuals
The oldest sex manuals were published in China 5,000 years ago.

The Longest Engagement
Sixty-seven years, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The happy couple finally wed at age 82!

Tying the Knot
The expression, "tying the knot" dates to Roman times, when the bride wore a girdle that was tied in knots - which the groom then had the fun of untying.

Your Hand in Marriage
Only 4% of men ask for the parent's approval for their bride's hand in marriage.

Source via


Legal Cat said...

Better keep on kissing my wife then to live longer... Is that a full on kiss or just a peck in the cheek?

Anonymous said...

Good read for 2009 refresher.....thanks

Pebbles said...

hi Kruel!
Sorry for long silence. hey...whichever makes u feel good. Why not a full kiss?? :)

Hi kingtiger909 - Thanks for dropping by.