Monday, November 17, 2008

10 signs He is in to You

When you meet a guy and you have just dated a few times, sometimes it is hard to gauge if he interested or not. Some guys want to be cool and since they are also unsure about your feelings they may not be so forthright in their pursuit.

However, there are a few tell tale signs that he is already smitten with you. Watch out for it.

1. He picks you up from the airport

2. He is comfortable listening to his phone message or phone call infront of you

3. He refers to the two of you as "we". eg We loved the James Bond movie.....

4. He calls you every morning at work and also at night before you sleep.

5. He asks you if you wanna go out shopping - any excuse to ask you out :)

6. He brings you soup when you are sick. aarrghhh!

7. He talks about his family and hints about a holiday to his home town

8. He invites you to join him on a boys night out.

9. He sends you flowers for no special reason.

10. He does not refuse when asked to be photographed together.

What do you think? Am I right? Did I miss any other pointers? Share...share....


Legal Cat said...

How about if he is willing to drive you around while you run errands, but I think you covered it well with your list

Pebbles said...

Yeah....if men are interested they are most willing to do anything.....

Ummie said...

It's always a 'no problem' answer when asked a favour to be done.