Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oral Sex is Illegal???!!

This funny incident came up during my little reunion with a bunch of old friends. We have known each other for 10 years after joining a self development course therefore all of us are of different background and age group. It is a wonderfully diversified group yet we are close and able to share many stories whenever we meet up once or twice a year.

Inadvertently, the topic will always stir to sex. Usually with hilarious recommendations on what to eat to enhance “u know what”, what positions, or just tips on husband/wife relationship.

This time, the conversation started with the topic of Singaporeans. Brendy, my very well endowed friend - (trust me when I saw "very well endowed!" ), she was just commenting on how rigid Singaporeans are, how they are all so busy with work, less time to have babies, to have sex…..and then she said “ Yeah, they are so rigid, even oral sex is considered illegal in Singapore, that is simply ridiculous!”

We all turned to her….and then said, “Ah yeah. It is considered unnatural sex but you know that oral sex is also illegal in Malaysia right?”

You should have seen her expression. She was flabbergasted. She obviously does not know that oral sex is illegal in Malaysia and many countries around the world too.

Malaysia Law - Under Section 377A and 377B of the Penal Code, any person who has sexual relations with another involving the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth, can be jailed up to 20 years and is also liable for whipping.

Please read link here for sodomy law.

Recently in Singapore oral and anal sex between consenting heterosexual adults is no longer an offense but oral and anal sex between consenting men, remains an offense. Singapore have moved one step ahead.

So, did you know that oral sex is indeed illegal in Malaysia?


Rambling Mind said...

Yes, oral and anal sex are indeed illegal in Malaysia as they are considered "sex[ual activites] against the order of nature"

Well, look at it this way, everyone knows everyone else does it. I'm sure that there is no man in Malaysia who would turn down a blowjob so the point is moot.

They only repealed the law in Singapore this year and given how much more "open" (excuse the pun) the Singaporeans are, it'll be a while before M'sia takes the step.

Legal Cat said...

There's so many law which are weirdly still in existence even in the good olde US of A. I know a site which I forgot already its URL, which listed such laws.

synical said...

Wouldn't be THAT surprised... so, no.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. it's actually illegal to do that?! How about under condition that both of them agreed to do that?

Pebbles said...

rambling mind - I wonder why was it illegal in the first place?

Kruel - it must have been there for a reason, I wonder why it was considered unnatural?

Synical - :)

Horizon - it is illegal when both consent or not. It is the law...nope nope cannot have oral sex!!! Hehehe...but everybody does in anyway!!