Wednesday, September 17, 2008

PMS - a myth or reality?

PMS – PreMenstrual Syndrome – something feared by men and usually denied by women. :)

The wiki definition – Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (sometimes refered to as PMT or Premenstrual Tension) is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle.

So is there really such thing as PMS? Do women really have bizarre behaviors just before their monthly period?

This is my experience.

I never believed in PMS, I never experienced it before. I did not understand why people actually say that women have erratic behaviors every month. It is a myth definitely!! Probably something created by men to slander the womankind. :)

Then I hit my 30s. Just to be clear it only happened on a few occasions. Very rare ok but it happened. I can’t describe it. It went something like this. I would start by feeling a little blue, a little down and a little melancholy. Then I would be irritable or I would get a bit emotional. Why I noticed it? I was emotional over small things and worse, sometimes to the brink of tears. Crazy right??? Some silly things would spark me off. It happened one month and then the next month. I noticed the pattern and it was always before my period due date. I was mortified. Luckily it was only my boyfriend who took the brunt of my emotional state.

I stopped myself; I told myself I would not let this myth be a reality. I am a lot more conscious of my behavior and mood swings. So far so good.

So guys out there….. PMS is a myth as far as I am concerned. Believe it! *wink**, *wink**


FoOie said...

The world needs more women like you.. :)

I can't take the whiners and complainers who don't try to do anything about it, but instead use it as an excuse to get away with being complete bitches.

Sorry.. lots of male angst here over the whole PMS myth hahaha

Anonymous said...

fooie - ha ha...definitely should not use PMS as an excuse. though it works sometimes :)