Thursday, August 14, 2008

Can men and women be friends?

I watched When Harry Met Sally this afternoon. I have watched it before but somehow I just felt like watching it again. Love stories - I can watch again and again without feeling bored especially if the ending is good.

In the movie Billy Crystal who plays Harry in the movie said " Men and women cannot be friends because sex always get in the way"

Sex aside, I guess the more fundamental question is this - if you are such good friends, why are you not together?

So is this true? Do you agree with that men and women cannot be good friends?

I will write my thots on this in my next posting. Meanwhile, tell me what you think? Or just click and answer the poll on the left.


Sewjin said...

a man and woman can be friends.

if there's lack of sexual chemistry :D

Rambling Mind said...

In order to answer your question, you'd have to ask another woman. I'm given to understand that women and men can just be friends because good friends understand the good and bad of one another to such an extent that there is no "ooomph" anymore and you lose interest in that person as a partner.

But, what do I know?

Anonymous said...

Personally, i feel men and women cannot be friends unless either one is homosexual:P

Anonymous said...

Sewjin - So typical guy :)

Rambling Mind - What about you? Do you have any woman's best friend?

Carrie - LOL.."best "girlfriends"