Friday, August 8, 2008


Another scandal here in USA involving a prominent former Democratic Presendential Candidate Senator John Edward. He is young-looking and handsome....a very potential candidate and also a sad story as his wife is battling an incurable cancer. So there are probably some sympathy voters but some did criticize him for running in the presenditial race even though his wife is sick.

Anyway recently, there were some allegations that he fathered a child with filmmaker Rielle Hunter. He denied the allegations saying that it was "tabloid thrash".

After some pressure from the Senate Committee, he finally admitted the extramarital affair. He denies he is the father of the baby and also stated he is not in love with Hunter. He also stated his wife does not know of the affair.

Are his actions justified? Should he be forgiven? Not only he had an affair, he lied about it too. Stupid!

Above picture with his wife. Actually he is rather good-looking for a 55 years old man huh? He has the looks, the money and the power. BUT that doesn't give him the right to have an affair!

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